About Us

7 Facets Of Our Ministry Culture


Our culture of freedom hinges on honesty and humility represented by authentic leadership. We create an atmosphere of openness and protect it by communicating with each other in a gracious, loving way.

Humility – James 4:6

The spirit of leadership is a servant spirit. The higher a person ascends in the organizational structure, the more their rights decrease, and their responsibilities increase.


We strive to balance extravagant generosity with responsible frugality in our financial management. We carry a generous attitude about extending resources and sharing what God has given to us because we recognize that there can’t be real generosity without stewardship. It helps us avoid wasteful excess and stinginess and enables us to live in the center of God’s provision and purpose. This expression reaches not just into our financial assets but also to the people, opportunities, and resources within our organization.

Excellence – Matthew 5:16

In every are of ministry and administration, we bear the standard for the glory of God. Every individual and ministry carries a spirit of excellence (not perfectionism) by embracing a continuous effort to do better.

Generosity – 2 Corinthians 9:6

We seek opportunities to generously share our resources so others can benefit from what God has done at Embassy Church.


We recognize that relationships are important to God. He uses them to reveal Himself to us and mature us because relationships are the only things on this earth with eternal value. While engaged in furthering God’s kingdom around us, we remember that relationships are more important than issues, and true and deep spiritual growth happens in community. Relational oversights within our staff are expressed by consistent and regular meetings, which include personal care and address our work. In our personal interactions, we extend honor and grace toward each other.

Unity – Psalm 133

Unity requires us to focus on our vision – our purpose, mission, and principles – and the efforts of every individual must be harnessed to it. A team approach to ministry, problem solving, decision making, and operating within the integrity of our structure are the norm. Relationships come first when addressing issues. All disagreements and offenses are dealt with in a timely and biblical manner.

Equity – Jeremiah 22:13-16; James 2:1-4

We’re committed to justice and treating everyone right, showing impartiality to any individual or group, and striving to remain above reproach in dealing with people.

Compassion – Philippians 4:5; Ephesians 2:8-9

We express an attitude and spirit of compassion to everyone, and we relate to each other with mercy and grace balanced with truth. We’re focused outside the walls of the church with a patient heart of long-suffering and a desire to reach the lost and to heal and restore the hurting.


Health is the manageable expression of our individual pace, priorities, purpose, and physical condition. It’s through health and its expression that we accomplish God’s will and find peace. It begins with the time God gave us to rest; Honor the Sabbath intentionally and diligently; take one day a week to rest, renew, and restore – our body, soul, and spirit. We cultivate systems, policies, and practices for personal and ministry calendars that encourage and support healthy lifestyles rather than prioritize the immediate demands of people and events.

Integrity – Philippians 2:15

We uphold all biblical standards of conduct and reputation for personal, family, business, financial, and community involvement. We strive to remain above reproach in all areas, realizing that we represent Christ to the world as His ambassadors.


We are committed to discovering and fulfilling God’s purposes, but we recognize the greater expression of ministry happens through gifted individuals working as a team. We establish an atmosphere of empowerment through our attitudes, relationships, and investments with our team so we can produce measurable results. We develop individuals into mature believers grounded in God’s Word, free from physical and spiritual bondage, and empowered – not only by us but also by the Holy Spirit –
to serve God and others.

We encourage opportunities that challenge people to grow and succeed and create clearly defined roles and responsibilities. We offer training at every level, provide the necessary resources for every task, and operate in a system of relational oversight that serves the “person” more than the “employee.”

Service – Ezekiel 44; Matthew 20:28; John 13:1-17

God has called us to demonstrate the heart of a servant.
Our administrative arm both facilitates and serves ministry.

Submission – Romans 13:1

We embrace God’s ultimate position of authority and His plan for local, delegated authority. We adhere to principles of submission and honor authority at all levels of the organization. We operate within the integrity of our structure. Appeals of decisions are sometimes warranted and are allowed with a right spirit and within the boundaries of our established structure.


We believe that worship is, at its essence, an expression of sincere and heartfelt love, and it is our intent that our love for God is evident at all times. We strive to create and protect an atmosphere that welcomes, honors, and prioritizes God’s presence so we can grow in intimacy with Him and partner with Him to establish His hear, will, and purpose in all we do. We deepen our worship by encouraging the personal and individual spiritual formation of every believer, beginning with preaching and teaching that builds biblical knowledge of God and His nature through spiritual disciplines.

Faith – Hebrews 11:6

Faith creates a positive, grateful atmosphere. We are decisive and proactive based on God’s revealed direction and plans. We aren’t arrogant or overconfident, but we aren’t driven or hindered by fear based on circumstances or the unknown.

Truth and Spirit Centered – John 1, 14, 16

We are committed to being grounded in scriptural truth and empowered by the Holy Spirit. The Bible is our final authority, and the Holy Spirit is our guide to reach God’s destiny for us as a church.


We extend ourselves to those around us with a heart of humility and service to God and people, sharing the Good News of the gospel of Jesus Christ in every expression of our ministry.

We serve all people but focus on extending the gospel to the Jew first through Messianic ministry, then to all others – locally, nationally, and internationally. We follow the model declared by Jesus and seek to represent Him as we serve God and people.

Kingdom Centered – 1 Corinthians 12:14-27

We are committed to advancing the work of the kingdom in the body of Christ by recognizing and supporting other churches and ministries as God gives us the opportunity to collaborate.